link doesnt seem to work? could you re-up? would appreciate greatly! enjoy your taste in music-great blog- thanks
to the person before:just cut off the first have of the link's URL and yr good!
Yeah, just fixed it. Everything is working fine now!
yes thank youuuuthey won't approve me =/
thanks for this. not what was i expecting from the description (new to ducktails) but great nonetheless...
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link doesnt seem to work? could you re-up? would appreciate greatly! enjoy your taste in music-great blog- thanks
to the person before:
just cut off the first have of the link's URL and yr good!
Yeah, just fixed it. Everything is working fine now!
yes thank youuuu
they won't approve me =/
thanks for this. not what was i expecting from the description (new to ducktails) but great nonetheless...
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